Thursday, May 14, 2020

Should College Athletics Be Paid - 1738 Words

Should college athletics be paid College athletes devote much of their time and energy to their teams, and in return the teams often receive a big-time deal, College athletics spend at least 43.3 hours per week to practice and have a commit to the team. Have you ever wondered why teams are so good, the reason for that is colleges recruit the best players around the country or state so their team overall can be the best all time. So why not pay the athletics if colleges are getting ranked players. Athletes in college receives a lot of attention, through their practices and performance on and off the They uplift the names of their colleges and give it a name that would otherwise not be acquired. They make their college mates proud of their college, and they may boost enrolment of many others, which would benefit the school. Athletics stand a position to earn a school other benefits, not only to the players but other students too. They may win study scholarships for their school mates by their exemplary perfo rmance (Owens et al 20). College athletes should be entitled to the same rights to payment as other employees comprising of medical covers and adequate compensation for using their God given talents. Often, these players are injured when in the field; sometimes others may pass out due to the extreme use of energy. Thus, they incur additional costs that may not be refunded. They should be offered financial security to take care of these emergencies so thatShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid For Their Athletic Participation?1663 Words   |  7 Pagesan on-going debate over whether college athletes should be compensated for their athletic participation at universities. Under current NCAA policy, college athletes are compensated via scholarships. Scholarships are payments that are placed towards a student’s education. These provide athlete’s food, board, and cover all education expenses. The NCAA provides approximately 1380,000 scholarships to Division I and II sports each year (US News).The majority of athletic scholarships must be renewed eachRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1683 Words   |  7 PagesIn the recent past, college athletics has gained massive fame in the United States. The immense fame of the college athletics has developed over the past twenty years. The massive development and fame of the college athletics have resulted in improved incomes for the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). Due to increased revenue received by the NCAA, the participates in athletics in the colleges has fuelled the argument of whether the college athletes need to be paid and rewarded more thanRead MoreThe National Collegiate Athletic Association1227 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Chronicle of Higher Education recently estimated that college athletics is a $10-billion marketplace† (Suggs). With huge sums of revenue generated from college sports teams, players for the successful teams appear to be very marketable. â €Å"The National Collegiate Athletic Association, the largest collegiate sports organization in the United States, oversees much of the business of American college sports. For 2011-12, the NCAA reported $871.6 million in revenue-- 81 percent of which came fromRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1350 Words   |  6 Pagesgaining popularity, the growth of college sports went on the rise. In 2013, The National Collegiate Athletic Association statistically generated $912,804,046 (Alesia, 2014). With all of this income that the NCAA brought in, one has to raise the question, should college athletes be paid? Even though college athletes are student athletes, they should be paid because they are practically employees to the college without compensation. But why should a student athlete be paid in the first place? Their justRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1539 Words   |  7 PagesBrett Ott Argument Paper Rough Draft 11/20/15 One of the biggest debates in sports right now is whether or not college athletes should be paid. They spend an extensive amount of time between classes, workouts, practices, and games. As an NCAA Division III athlete, I can relate to having a demanding schedule. Everybody has to go to their classes and practice every day. In addition, we have skill workouts between classes depending on the day, as well as lifting four days per week in the offseasonRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid? Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Should College Athletes Be Paid? This question has the propensity to cause much commotion within the various collegiate athletic divisions; e.g., NCAA, BIG 10, MEAC, and CIAA. The complexity involved in flushing out an answer to this question coupled with our status as college students may have played a direct influence in the decision of the group Long Term Money’s (L.T.M.) choice to use this topic as an interest for group assignment. A â€Å"student athlete† is a participant in an organizedRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Not Be Paid1301 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2015 Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid What amount of money should college athletes be paid? This has been a controversial question for many years.Some lower level Division One NCAA athletes think that their scholarships do not pay them enough as it is, and instead they want cash rather than the scholarship. These situations have been taken to court and arbitrated in NCAA hearings. The NCAA, or the National College Athletics Association, has declined for the athletes to be paid a salary everyRead MoreShould Collegiate Athletes be Paid? Essay1109 Words   |  5 Pages More the ever before, the question Should college athletes be paid? is being debated by student-athletes, the NCAA, and the media, as well as non-athletic students. College athletes benefit the school with another income. So shouldn’t they be given something for all their hard work? There is only one answer and that is, college athletes should not get paid because it is the worst form of destruction to educational system. College athletes get large scholarships, isn’t that their payment and incentiveRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Be Paid1047 Words   |  5 PagesWhen providing a service, people get paid for the service, so why are college athletes not paid for performing a service with their athletic abilities? Almost anyone who is involved with sports, whether it be watching them or playing them, has an opinion on whether or not college athletes should be paid. My opinion on this controversy is that college athletes should be paid. College sports make billions o f dollars, so there is definitely room for athletes to payed in some way. There are three mainRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1088 Words   |  5 PagesShould College Athletes be Paid? Since 1906 When Theodore Roosevelt established the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to infose and make rule for intercollegiate sports. The NCAA had made billions of dollars out of college athletic increasing popularity. This has fuelled debates whether college athletes should be compensated beyond their athletic scholarship and how and who would do it. While many people argue that college athletes are compensated enough with their scholarship and

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