Thursday, August 27, 2020

Solar System and Outer Planets free essay sample

How are the external planets like one another? The external planets are made up from for the most part gases. They have atleast one moon. They don’t have strong surfaces. 2. How are the external planets not quite the same as one another? Uranus and Neptune are called ice goliaths, while Jupiter and Saturn are produced using helium and hydrogen gases. 3. How are overshadow planets not the same as evident planets? They have divine bodies in their circle, and they are littler. 4. What is the course of action of the external planets? What impact does their arrangement have the planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, they take up 99% of the mass of the divine bodies circling out sun. 5. What is Titan? For what reason are researchers inspired by it? Titan is Saturn’s monster moon, it has a surface tempurature of around 270 degrees fahrenheit , it has a think climate that’s viewed by researchers as one of the most unpredictable concoction condition in our nearby planetary group Critical Thinking Questions 1. We will compose a custom article test on Close planetary system and Outer Planets or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page How do the external planets vary from the internal planets? Internal planets are delegated rough planets while the external planets are named gas goliaths, the external planets have a more prominent mass then all the inward planets. The external planets likewise have little centers. They are additionally cooler than the inward planets. 2. Which of the external planets is MOST similar to Earth? How? Saturn since the two of them have in any event one moon, the two of them get seasons like summer and winter, and the gravity is comparable. 3. Do you think the external planets contain any life? Bolster your reaction with realities. No animal can endure anyplace however on earth, since anything alive necessities water to live, and different planets don't have water. 4. For what reason was Pluto renamed from a planet to a diminutive person planet? For what reason did this make debate? Its so distant from earth to get a decent glance at the planet. It is path littler than the various planets Pluto is additionally frantic up of a mix of rocks and ice which is not the same as different planets, like comets which places it in an ifferent order. 5. How has the idea of a planet changed since the sixteenth century? Do you think this shows logical precision or refutes future realities, as one expect that they will be defamed in time as well? They characterized planets as bodies that circled the sun, presently they realize that planets don’t simply circle the sun they can be pulled in and circle different planets because of the gravity, and now we have a superior origination on planets and their gravitational powers.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Confederate States

Confederate States of America, the name embraced by the alliance of 11 slave holding Southern conditions of the United States that withdrew from the Union and were showed against the national government during the American Civil War. Following affirmation of the appointment of Abraham Lincoln as president, the governing body of South Carolina assembled. In a consistent decision on December 20, 1860, the state withdrew from the Union. During the following two months laws of withdrawal were embraced by the conditions of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. President James Buchanan, in the most recent days of his organization, proclaimed that the central government would not persuasively forestall the withdrawals. In February 1861, the withdrawing states sent delegates to a show in Montgomery, Alabama. The show, managed by Howell Cobb of Georgia, embraced a temporary constitution and picked Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as temporary president and Alexander Hami lton Stephens of Georgia as temporary VP. The show, on March 11, 1861, consistently endorsed a lasting constitution. The constitution, which firmly looked like the government Constitution, restricted the African slave exchange however permitted interstate trade in slaves. Jefferson Davis (1808-89), solitary leader of the Confederate States of America (1861-65). Davis was conceived on June 3, 1808, in Christian (presently Todd) County, Kentucky, and instructed at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and at the U.S. Military Academy. After his graduation in 1828, he saw outskirts administration until sick wellbeing constrained his renunciation from the military in 1835. He was a grower in Mississippi from 1835 to 1845, when he was chosen for the U.S. Congress. In 1846 he surrendered his seat so as to serve in the Mexican War and battled at Monterrey and Buena Vista, where he was injured. He was U.S. representative from Mississippi from 1847 to 1851, secretary of war in the ca ... Free Essays on Confederate States Free Essays on Confederate States Confederate States of America, the name received by the organization of 11 slave holding Southern conditions of the United States that withdrew from the Union and were displayed against the national government during the American Civil War. Following affirmation of the appointment of Abraham Lincoln as president, the governing body of South Carolina met. In a consistent decision on December 20, 1860, the state withdrew from the Union. During the following two months laws of withdrawal were received by the conditions of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. President James Buchanan, in the most recent days of his organization, pronounced that the central government would not coercively forestall the withdrawals. In February 1861, the withdrawing states sent delegates to a show in Montgomery, Alabama. The show, directed by Howell Cobb of Georgia, received a temporary constitution and picked Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as temporary president and Alexander Hami lton Stephens of Georgia as temporary VP. The show, on March 11, 1861, consistently sanctioned a lasting constitution. The constitution, which firmly looked like the government Constitution, precluded the African slave exchange yet permitted interstate business in slaves. Jefferson Davis (1808-89), sole leader of the Confederate States of America (1861-65). Davis was conceived on June 3, 1808, in Christian (presently Todd) County, Kentucky, and instructed at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and at the U.S. Military Academy. After his graduation in 1828, he saw wilderness administration until sick wellbeing constrained his acquiescence from the military in 1835. He was a grower in Mississippi from 1835 to 1845, when he was chosen for the U.S. Congress. In 1846 he surrendered his seat so as to serve in the Mexican War and battled at Monterrey and Buena Vista, where he was injured. He was U.S. representative from Mississippi from 1847 to 1851, secretary of war in the ca...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Place Scroll to top widget above Blog Footer

Place Scroll to top widget above Blog Footer Scroll to top widget is useful for make your blog user friendly. Though this is a simply trick but effective for blog visitors. If your blogger template height is large then visitors don't like to scroll top to bottom and bottom to top constantly. So back to top widget help visitors to navigate to top. Though earlier I have share with you 2 back to top with CSS and Jquery coding. But I am going to share another widget where used simple CSS code. And this widget can be place above footer section of your blog template. It will save your place. Not only above footer if you want you can place it above credit wrapper. Because most of the back/ Scroll to top widget appear after beside sidebar which occupy some space. If you planning to add floating ads then it create problem for placing. Because both widget create conflict to take place. So this Scroll to top widget solve this problem. Now you can add this widget within the post body. So for adding this widget simply follow the below steps- Step 1Log in to yourBlogger Accountand Click onTemplate- Step 2Now click onEdit HTML- Unfold code Step 3Now find]]/b:skinby Pressing Ctrl+F Step 4And Paste the below code above]]/b:skin /* -- Scroll to top widget by */.BloggerSpiceB2T {text-align:center;margin-top:20px;color: #333}.BloggerSpiceB2T a {font-size: 12px; color:#fff;font-weight: bold;padding: 8px;text-transform: uppercase;background:#444;border-radius:3px} Step 5Now find or div id='lower' or div id='footer' by Pressing Ctrl+F Step 6And Paste the below code above or div id='lower' or div id='footer' div class='BloggerSpiceB2T'a href='#'Back to Top/a Step 7Now simply hit the save button. If you face any problem then feel free to leave a comment below. I will help you to install it into your blog.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Using Public Health Surveillance Systems For Track Health...

UMUHOZA Marie Chantal, MMPH 00075 – UNIT 5 – INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Using Public Health Surveillance Systems to Track Health Conditions Selected Health condition: HIV/AIDS in Zambia Introduction â€Å"It is now over twenty five years since the HIV and AIDS epidemic emerged in Zambia, and the Government of Zambia declared the epidemic a national emergency† (, 2016). A number of programs aiming at controlling the epidemic, stopping new infections and improving the quality of those already infected has been put in place and has shown good results. However, HIV remain the major threat to Zambia. It is to this purpose that the National AIDS Council (NAC) was created in order (1) to Coordinate and support the development of policies, plans and strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention; (2) monitor and evaluate the AIDS response; (3) provide recommendation to the MoH and the country in general on suitable and evidence-based prevention, treatment and coordination strategies; and (4) facilitate the reduction of the impacts of the epidemic (, 2016).. Explanation of how the HIV/AIDS data is collected in the Zambia (i.e. passive, active, sentinel and/or surveillance). The Zambian Ministry of Health in collaboration with NAC uses different methods to collect HIV surveillance data. The common one is the through active surveillance, where Health care worker collect specific data relevant to monitoring the national HIV response – including ART, eMTCT, VMMC and HTC data and submitShow MoreRelatedThe Regional Public Health Office1301 Words   |  6 Pagesregional public health office will be assembled to meet the needs of Chula City, to provide programs and community interventions that administer evidence-based prevention and healthcare services to improve the health of the population. The new public health office will be guided by the key functions necessary for public health services to include; (1) monitoring of health of the population, (2) diagnose and investigate health problems in the community, (3) mobilize partners to solve health problemsRead MoreEssay Wireless Medical Technology1484 Words   |  6 Pagesheart with the aid of nanotech nology using nanorobotics is ready to be born. There is another breakthrough in the form of live cell imaging, which can provide greater insight about the exact physiological environment of human cells and tissues. Syndromic surveillance is in vogue, in the public health informatics. It is used in systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of clinical syndromes. This surveillance of infectious diseases helps in formulating health policy and allows timely preventionsRead MoreInformation Technology Ethics - Privacy1698 Words   |  7 PagesPRIVACY †¢ Privacy has sometimes been described as: the right to be left alone, or the right to exercise control over one’s personal information, or a set of conditions necessary to protect our individual dignity and autonomy. †¢ Information Privacy- the way in which governments or organizations handle our personal information such as our age, address, sexual preference and so on. †¢ Financial Data – Personal financial data must be kept in its highest confidentiality in order to secure privateRead MoreHealth Cases throughout the World975 Words   |  4 Pagesinvading the central nervous system, the virus exponentially widespread with a series of polio outbreaks up to 15,000 cases and 1750 deaths each year in Latin America and the Caribbean. In 1985, Pan American Health organization (PAHO) began a polio eradication campaign in the region for routine immunization by Expanded Programme on Immunization. The program had two crucial objectives: mobilizing financial and social commitments in the region and organizing managerial surveillance to carry out immunizationRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Medicare And Medicaid Services Essay1743 Words   |  7 Pageshospitals for using electronic health records (EHR) to improve patient care. This paper will provide an overview of the core criteria providers must follow to effectively use the EHR to q ualify for the incentives and avoid penalties. The Meaningful Use criteria is implemented in three stages over five years to improve healthcare outcomes. This paper also explores the implementation of meaningful use in health information and how it has directly affected nursing, the nation’s public health, patientRead MoreThe Effects Of Reporting On Foodborne Diseases3060 Words   |  13 PagesIntroduction to Environmental Health Safety The Impact of Reporting on Foodborne Diseases Abstract : Foodborne diseases result from the ingestion of pathogens and parasites, which are contaminated in foods and food products at different points in the food production and preparation process. The Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) tracks foodborne diseases through reports from surveillance systems from state and local health departments, medical professionalsRead MoreWireless Sensor Networks For Continuous Healthcare Monitoring1702 Words   |  7 Pagesunobtrusiveness and continuity. The continuous tracking of the health state would address the challenges of caregiving for the elderly and performance checking for athletes during training. The application must be sufficiently unobtrusive to minimize its interference with the user’s daily task or training regimen. A team of research engineers developed a wearable health monitoring system that satisfies the challenges described above. The system tracks the heart rate, physical motion, and blood oxygen levelsRead Mor eEffects of the Poliovirus: Poliomyelitis1504 Words   |  6 PagesïÆ'Ëœ Poliovirus is an enterovirus which infects the guts then spreads through blood to infect the central nervous system causing paralysis though infection is over 90% asymptomatic. ïÆ'Ëœ The challenges eradicating polio range from socio-cultural factors to political and economical factors. There are mainly three endemic areas remaining namely: Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. ïÆ'Ëœ The solution to the challenges would vary from countries and communities with specific issues. But the direct involvement ofRead MoreA Majority Of Oil And Gas Companies1146 Words   |  5 Pagesindustry. At the end of the day, data, rather structured or unstructured, is still just data. This raw data means nothing unless it is converted into intelligible data and data on this scale must be converted through an advanced data management system. GIS was designed with this task in mind. In the petroleum industry there are a myriad of ways that GIS is priceless some of them are Data index maps which is one of the most common usages of GIS in the petroleum sector is in conveying easy-to-useRead MoreThe American Recovery And Reinvestment Act1513 Words   |  7 Pagesattaining meaningful use of health information technology (HIT). The meaningful use program is intended to facilitate providers to amass and save patient data such as allergies, health history, lab results, health center visits in the electronic health record (EHR) and securely communicate these records with other health entities and governmental agencies (Oracle, 2010). With the ultimate ambition being the establishment of a more effectual, patient centered health care system that decreases provider’s

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Should College Athletics Be Paid - 1738 Words

Should college athletics be paid College athletes devote much of their time and energy to their teams, and in return the teams often receive a big-time deal, College athletics spend at least 43.3 hours per week to practice and have a commit to the team. Have you ever wondered why teams are so good, the reason for that is colleges recruit the best players around the country or state so their team overall can be the best all time. So why not pay the athletics if colleges are getting ranked players. Athletes in college receives a lot of attention, through their practices and performance on and off the They uplift the names of their colleges and give it a name that would otherwise not be acquired. They make their college mates proud of their college, and they may boost enrolment of many others, which would benefit the school. Athletics stand a position to earn a school other benefits, not only to the players but other students too. They may win study scholarships for their school mates by their exemplary perfo rmance (Owens et al 20). College athletes should be entitled to the same rights to payment as other employees comprising of medical covers and adequate compensation for using their God given talents. Often, these players are injured when in the field; sometimes others may pass out due to the extreme use of energy. Thus, they incur additional costs that may not be refunded. They should be offered financial security to take care of these emergencies so thatShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid For Their Athletic Participation?1663 Words   |  7 Pagesan on-going debate over whether college athletes should be compensated for their athletic participation at universities. Under current NCAA policy, college athletes are compensated via scholarships. Scholarships are payments that are placed towards a student’s education. These provide athlete’s food, board, and cover all education expenses. The NCAA provides approximately 1380,000 scholarships to Division I and II sports each year (US News).The majority of athletic scholarships must be renewed eachRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1683 Words   |  7 PagesIn the recent past, college athletics has gained massive fame in the United States. The immense fame of the college athletics has developed over the past twenty years. The massive development and fame of the college athletics have resulted in improved incomes for the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). Due to increased revenue received by the NCAA, the participates in athletics in the colleges has fuelled the argument of whether the college athletes need to be paid and rewarded more thanRead MoreThe National Collegiate Athletic Association1227 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Chronicle of Higher Education recently estimated that college athletics is a $10-billion marketplace† (Suggs). With huge sums of revenue generated from college sports teams, players for the successful teams appear to be very marketable. â €Å"The National Collegiate Athletic Association, the largest collegiate sports organization in the United States, oversees much of the business of American college sports. For 2011-12, the NCAA reported $871.6 million in revenue-- 81 percent of which came fromRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1350 Words   |  6 Pagesgaining popularity, the growth of college sports went on the rise. In 2013, The National Collegiate Athletic Association statistically generated $912,804,046 (Alesia, 2014). With all of this income that the NCAA brought in, one has to raise the question, should college athletes be paid? Even though college athletes are student athletes, they should be paid because they are practically employees to the college without compensation. But why should a student athlete be paid in the first place? Their justRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1539 Words   |  7 PagesBrett Ott Argument Paper Rough Draft 11/20/15 One of the biggest debates in sports right now is whether or not college athletes should be paid. They spend an extensive amount of time between classes, workouts, practices, and games. As an NCAA Division III athlete, I can relate to having a demanding schedule. Everybody has to go to their classes and practice every day. In addition, we have skill workouts between classes depending on the day, as well as lifting four days per week in the offseasonRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid? Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Should College Athletes Be Paid? This question has the propensity to cause much commotion within the various collegiate athletic divisions; e.g., NCAA, BIG 10, MEAC, and CIAA. The complexity involved in flushing out an answer to this question coupled with our status as college students may have played a direct influence in the decision of the group Long Term Money’s (L.T.M.) choice to use this topic as an interest for group assignment. A â€Å"student athlete† is a participant in an organizedRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Not Be Paid1301 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2015 Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid What amount of money should college athletes be paid? This has been a controversial question for many years.Some lower level Division One NCAA athletes think that their scholarships do not pay them enough as it is, and instead they want cash rather than the scholarship. These situations have been taken to court and arbitrated in NCAA hearings. The NCAA, or the National College Athletics Association, has declined for the athletes to be paid a salary everyRead MoreShould Collegiate Athletes be Paid? Essay1109 Words   |  5 Pages More the ever before, the question Should college athletes be paid? is being debated by student-athletes, the NCAA, and the media, as well as non-athletic students. College athletes benefit the school with another income. So shouldn’t they be given something for all their hard work? There is only one answer and that is, college athletes should not get paid because it is the worst form of destruction to educational system. College athletes get large scholarships, isn’t that their payment and incentiveRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Be Paid1047 Words   |  5 PagesWhen providing a service, people get paid for the service, so why are college athletes not paid for performing a service with their athletic abilities? Almost anyone who is involved with sports, whether it be watching them or playing them, has an opinion on whether or not college athletes should be paid. My opinion on this controversy is that college athletes should be paid. College sports make billions o f dollars, so there is definitely room for athletes to payed in some way. There are three mainRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1088 Words   |  5 PagesShould College Athletes be Paid? Since 1906 When Theodore Roosevelt established the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to infose and make rule for intercollegiate sports. The NCAA had made billions of dollars out of college athletic increasing popularity. This has fuelled debates whether college athletes should be compensated beyond their athletic scholarship and how and who would do it. While many people argue that college athletes are compensated enough with their scholarship and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1721 Words

A significant quote from Romeo and Juliet: â€Å"Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast† (2.3.94). This is the advice given by Friar Laurence warning about the dangers of fickle love, but it also says something about how action may lead to disaster. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the two protagonists for whom the play is named, Romeo and Juliet, are children of two relentlessly feuding families. Juliet belongs to the Capulet family while Romeo belongs to the Montagues. When the two meet, they fall in love, and decide to get married secretly, despite the disapproval of their families that would be blatant if their love was made public. The character of Nurse is someone who has watched over Juliet throughout her childhood, and Juliet confides in Nurse as if she were her mother. Friar Laurence is a figure which Romeo seems to confide in from the beginning. Both of these characters are involved in the â€Å"star-crossed lovers’† secret marriage plan s. In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Nurse and Friar Laurence, who serve as supporting characters to Juliet and Romeo, both influence the decisions made by the protagonists, and therefore affect the final outcome of the story, Friar more effectively enabling the couple through his action than Nurse, who acts as an assistant, advisor, and messenger. Both Friar Laurence and Nurse are confidants to the protagonists of the story, Friar Laurence being an advisor to Romeo as Nurse is to Juliet. Differences exist in theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1287 Words   |  6 PagesLizzy Baginski English Composition 2 Mr. Spera March 10, 2015 Romeo and Juliet Research Paper The movie Romeo and Juliet is a modern classic film that took place in 1996. Overall this is a timeless story that everyone should go and watch. This movie has an intriguing plot line that tells the story of two feuding families, The Montagues and The Capulets, and how the children of these two different families fall in love. The two children overcome various obstacles such as hiding their chemistry fromRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet 966 Words   |  4 Pages Beauty Over Gold â€Å"Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.--William Shakespeare, 1623. In his book As You Like It, William Shakespeare pointed out the supremacy of love rather than the want of gold and wealth. Truly, beauty is more important to thieves than wealth. Many of the thieves in this world would rather have an elegant woman than to obtain precious rubies. After all, what good is a prosperous man if he doesn’t have a charming woman? Two famous men grab my attention who didn’t fear forRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Essay1024 Words   |  5 PagesRomeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an ItalianRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based onRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet861 Words   |  4 Pagesgreatly shown in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It was love at first sight with Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Meeting at a party and falling in love to get married without even spending quality time with each other. Romeo and Juliet couldn t tell there parents because the Capulets and Montagues are long term rivals. Both Romeo and Juliet had to find different ways and excuses to make this marriage work. A big problem was developed. Romeo kills Juliet s cousin and is banishedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1770 Words   |  8 Pagesof Romeo and Juliet. The story of two destined lovers who were killed by their own doing. But what if they weren t two destined lovers who got unlucky, but doomed partners that were never going to have a good-life to begin with.William Sha kespeare gives us a view of early signs of gang conflict in the early age of Verona, Italy. He gives us a perspective of the norms and customs of Italy during the Setting of William Shakespeare s most famous story. Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, givesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1264 Words   |  6 Pagestheater-going public the most important dramatist in English literature, Shakespeare occupies a well-known position in the world of talented authors. His canon contains thirty-seven plays, written in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Additionally, throughout the years, they continue to sustain critical attention, with the majority of his works circling tragedies, one being Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet speaks to the timeless appeal of star-crossed lovers. Their loveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet924 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that follows t he so-called love of two teenagers. The two fall in love at a masked ball and have a secret marriage. Throughout the play, their actions show how ridiculous love is, and how it is a danger to anyone who become twisted in its choking grasp. However, in the death of the youth and survival of the elders, an alternative explanation for the tragic events may be found. Although Shakespeare seems to be mocking love throughout the play, itRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1616 Words   |  7 Pageslove can also cause some of life s most controversial battles. These battles could stem from lack of patience, disagreement of moral values, and in some cases, an absence of attraction overall. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the issues that drive Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet s to each of their dreadful misfortunes are inevitable. When it comes to many of Shakespeare s plays, Aristotle s theory is used to describe them as tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is known by many as a tragedyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet967 Words   |  4 Pagesof ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written by William Shakespeare. Shakespearean time was between the middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution and it was branded by religious changes. William Shakespeare is widely known as the greatest dramatist of all time. Born April 1564, Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is no doubt one of his most famous pieces. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was first published in 1597 and its tragic story of banned love still captures the creativity of its audience today. ‘Romeo and Juliet’, although

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Judaism and Final Project free essay sample

What religion would you like to consider for your final project? Describe the place of worship you will visit. I I plan on studying Judaism for my final project. I might visit a synagogue if I find one nearby/ I What do you already know about this topic? * Judaisms sacred documents are called Haftra Torah. * I know some of their major holidays like Passover and Hanukkah for example, and I also know the significance of the Sabbath or Saturday services. * I know the Ten Commandments Judaism religion goes by. * They believe that every person was created in the image of God. * Judaism is a monotheistic faith meaning they believe in only one god. I What resource will you use to find a place of worship for this religion? I I will use the internet along with a local newspaper. I What are some sources you could use to gain more knowledge about this religion? I Different online sites and library resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Judaism and Final Project or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I What type of materials do you expect to review for this project? I Articles and Interviews. I How will you gain access to the materials you need? I The internet, the public library, the temple I visit, and a religious bookstore so I can purchase a copy of Torah. I What difficulties do you anticipate in conducting an interview with someone of this faith? I I dont anticipate any major difficulties coming up but I do recognize the fact that it may be awkward feeling to discuss faith with a person that I dont share the same faith with. I Create a list of 10 questions you would like to ask during the interview